Photography Exhibition: DOWN WITH WALLS

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you on behalf of CinEast – Central and Eastern European Film Festival from Luxembourg, the 2nd biggest film festival and cultural manifestation in the country, as part of which we traditionally organize an extensive photography exhibition by authors from CEE countries.

The 12. edition of the Festival will take place from 3-20 October 2019 in Luxembourg, and this year’s topic is DOWN WITH WALLS, marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, but also exploring different types of “walls” that still exist in Europe today between countries, communities and people. This is the reason why I am contacting you since we are searching for photographic projects from the CEE countries related to this topic.

We would be grateful if you could recommend us some photographers or existing projects related to this topic from your association. In the document attached, please find a detailed description of this year’s theme, possible perspectives on it, some practical information, as well as some links from our exhibition catalogues in the previous years. Please feel free to share this e-mail and the attached document with any photographers in your association that you think might be interested in the project and have existing photographic projects that could be related to the overall theme of our exhibition.

CinEast is taking place every year in Luxembourg with more than 100 screenings, concerts, debates, children programme and the CEE photographic exhibition depicting the life and the changes taking place in our countries. Last year the Festival was visited by more than 10.000 spectators from the multicultural mileu of Luxembourg and the exhibition attracted almost 2.000 of our visitors.

We really hope to get a chance to see some projects from your association and that maybe we will get a chance to promote some artist from Serbia in Luxembourg.

I remain at your full disposition for any further information. Please feel free to write me back in Serbian if it is more convenient (I am coming from Macedonia).

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ana Dishlieska Mitova

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